Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ball/Yeates Family

Krystle had a great idea to have family portraits made while the family was all together for Christmas. A neat way to celebrate so many milestones :)
{Warning: Waaay too many beautiful people in one place at one time.
Just another day in the life of the Ball/Yeates family}
Mom & Dad- Chris & Kathy; Ashley, Will, Astin & Hamilton; Taylor, Kelly, Hollis & Baby Burkley; Krystle & Justin (ohhhh, and since the secret is out now, I get to add "and Baby Joyner") ;)

I had to BEG Kelly to allow me to take some maternity photos of her.
Soooo glad she appeased me!! Beautiful in the most ethereal way!
If this doesn't take your breath away, there's something wrong with you :-p
Kelly has always been that beautiful girl that you just know couldn't possibly be nice... then after a nano-second you realize she's the nicest girl you've ever met. I'm so excited for her and for Taylor (and Big Brother Hollis) as they await Burkley's arrival. They deserve all of the happiness in the world.
Krystle--- thank you for making this happen for me. It was an honor to photograph your family & I hope you'll allow me to take maternity photos of you, too! You're a beautiful Mommy!!

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